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greek military coup

Greek Military Coup - Posted in Modern Greek History Commentary on Civil Rights Following the Greek Military Junta

The Greek Military Junta, or dictatorship, ruled Greece from 1967 to 1974 after a successful coup was organized and executed by a group of Greek military officers who opposed the monarchy. After Greece gained its independence from the Ottoman Empire, the country did not settle into a stable form of government.

Greek Military Coup

Greek Military Coup

Several attempts were made to establish a democratic republic, but in between, Greece was ruled by a monarchy. In addition, the country also experienced several times, including civil war, and German occupation. This military dictatorship is another piece of the puzzle.

The Colonels Of Greece

During the Junta, people were really oppressed under that system of government. Apart from the fact that it is officially classified as a dictatorship, there were also several human rights problems that were part of the period. Here is a summary of what they were:

Shortly after the military took power in Greece, Article 14 of the Greek Constitution, which protected both freedom of thought and freedom of the press, was suspended so that the government could control the media and, as some interpret, the media's thoughts. the people themselves. . State music related to the military was played on the radio instead of the regular programs enjoyed by the people. At times, the music was interrupted by officials issuing orders and telling the people what they could and could not do.

And the military dictatorship quickly began to influence the government and began to dismantle the democracy that existed before the dictatorship. The court system was temporarily suspended by the Greek constitution and military courts were established instead. They also dissolved all the existing parties and any law that was established by the parliament under the political system that came before the junta. They also deprived people of the right to meet and even banned people from taking pictures. Although Greeks could participate in certain social or public events, they had to be approved and accepted by the government.

Most of the civil rights reforms implemented by the junta after taking power took place in 1967, shortly after the coup itself. Some countries have noticed, such as Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands, and have brought their concerns before the European Commission of Human Rights to accuse officials of violating their people's rights. This was largely due to the fact that the junta had arrested or deported more than 6,000 people it suspected of being communists or those who opposed the dictator's agenda. The Greek Military Police are also accused of torturing people. Amnesty International estimates that in the first month of the coup, more than 8,000 people were arrested, some of whom were tortured to gather information.

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The Greek Military Junta ended in 1974 when Greece's democracy was officially restored. Those who were part of the junta were arrested and tried to answer for their crimes. The White House Situation Room informed President Lyndon B. Johnson of the military coup this morning in Greece at 12:30 (EST) in Washington. on the morning of April 21, 1967.

Details emerged throughout the day about the overthrow of the Greek government. While the prime minister and other political leaders were imprisoned, King Constantine was still in power. This causes some to wonder at the Royal Palace whether the king is involved in the coup.

That day at 18:30. President Johnson received new information about the military coup. In that new memo, National Security Adviser Walt Rostow explained that instead of engaging in a coup, King Constantine was forced by the new leadership.

Greek Military Coup

Rumors spread of a possible coup d'état, but over the next few days and weeks a new regime - later known as The Junta - established power in Greece. The first memo to President Lyndon B. Johnson from the White House Situation Room informing him of the military coup in Greece.

Greece Junta Stock Photos

A few months later, King Constantine was able to continue explaining his position to President Johnson thanks to a meeting set up by presidential aide Mike Manatos.

"The April 21, 1967 coup took King Constantine by surprise. Although he made the first attempt to contact his senior military commanders to resist the coup, when it became clear that the coup leaders had defeated or effectively eliminated all major military commands, and that his resistance could plunge the nation into civil war. , the King unhesitatingly accepted the coup as it had been accomplished. However, although he agreed to preside over the first Cabinet meeting of the new government, he refused to sign the king's decision to suspend certain articles of the constitution that came into effect without his signature."

This background paper, along with others prepared for the tour, shows the difficult relationship that King Constantine had with the new Greek military. They also show King Constantine's efforts to return to the constitution and his hope that America will support him in this effort.

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Nazi Collaboration: A Taboo Topic In Greece

When the coup began, the country was divided between the left and the right. This division began during World War II and continued during the German occupation. Although Greece was conquered by the Germans, the people did not tolerate it well. Throughout this occupation, opposition groups were formed throughout the country with the sole purpose of getting the Germans to leave.

After the Germans left Greece and World War II ended, Greece entered a civil war that involved countries such as the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. Basically, the civil war was a battle between ideologies and pitted democracy against communism. At the end of the Greek Civil War, the KKE, or Greek Communist Party, was defeated.

In the midst of all this, the Greek Empire was restored and ruled until the Civil War in 1967. However, the civil war and the post-civil war period were very unstable, especially economically. This caused the country to split and led to a coup d'état.

Greek Military Coup

On May 28, 1967, Greece would hold elections in which the Central Union Party was expected to win. The National Radicals Union was worried about the policies of the Center Union because they were too far from their own (the Union party leans left). It was feared that Andreas Papandreou would create what the opposition described as a "constitutional crisis". Those who opposed the policy of the Central Union Party, such as George Rallis, urged the monarchy to declare martial law if the Central Union Party won the election.

Stylianos Pattakos, Greek Military Coup Figure, Dies At 103

Thus, on April 27, 1967, a little less than a month before the proposed elections, right-wing military officers led by Briadier General Stylianos Pattakos, Colonel George Papdopoulos, and Colonel Nikolaos Macarezos carried out their plan to overthrow their military regime. . The government's quick succession, which resulted in a seven-year period in which Greece was ruled by a military dictatorship. Later, the king started to fight a coup, but it was unsuccessful. The king left Greece and went into exile, never to return. The military Junta lasted until 1974 when the Republic that exists today rose.

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